The drama is based on the popular comic of the same name by Nakajo Hisaya. Horikita plays the protagonist Ashiya Mizuki, a Japanese girl in theUnited States who one day sees the young athlete Sano Izumi compete in high jumping on television. She begins to idolize him. Sano gets injured one day in America while trying to help Mizuki escape from some gangsters. He stops high jumping ever since. Mizuki blames herself for the incident and decides to go to Japan and help Sano find his love for high jumping. However, Izumi goes to an all-boys school, so Mizuki disguises herself as a boy in order to meet with him again.
For the Hana Kimi Special, Nakatsu and Sano reminiscence about when Sano fell in love with Mizuki. This takes us back to the weeks between Episode 7 and 8, where Mizuki's friend, Julia, from America comes to Osaka Gakuen to take Mizuki back to America. While Julia is in Japan, she decides to act as Mizuki's girlfriend
Video Clip
Ending Ep8
Oscar Dance
Maki was Kawaii
Happy Moment
Download Theme Song
- Otsuka Ai, Peach
- Orange Range, Ikenai Taiyou
- Go Hiromi, Boom Boom Boom
- Kawashima Ai, My Love
- Hikaru Genji, Paradise Ginga
My Coment
-the best drama ever
-5 star rates
-maki was cute (kawaiii)