Wednesday, February 16, 2011

1 Litre Of Tear


Sebuah drama dari Jepun yang diadaptasi daripadan sebuah kisah benar yang mengisahkan tentang seorang pelajar 'High School' yg bernama Aya Ikeuchi.

Kisah ini bermula apabila Aya yang ketika itu berumur 15tahun mengalami sejenis penyakit yang tidak dapat disembuhkan iaitu Spinocerebella Degeneration Disease.

Sejak dari itu, Aya mula kehilangan kebebasan hidupnya.

Hari demi hari, Aya mula kehilangan keupayaan untuk berjalan, bercakap, berdiri, memegang dan terpaksa menggunakan kerusi roda untuk kemana-mana.

Beliau juga kehilangan kekasihnya ekoran daripada penyakit yang dialaminya.

Beliau juga terpaksa berpindah dari Sekolah Tinggi ke Sekolah Orang Kurang Upaya.

Hal ini membuatkan Aya bersedih dan sering memikirkan masa depannya yang makin kelam.

Akhirnya beliau memutuskan untuk menulis diari bagi merekodkan apa-apa yang terpendam di dalam hatinya, bermula dengan hanya satu tugasan yang diberikan oleh doktor beliau sehingga menjadi sebuah kisah yang dibukukan dan dijual di seluruh Jepun pada ketika itu.

Hasil karya beliau telah mendapat sambutan yang tinggi.

Hasil jualan yang direkodkan ialah Yen18,000,000.

Beliau menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya pada 23 MAY 1988 (12:55am), usia beliau pada ketika itu ialah 25tahun.

Turutilah kisah beliau untuk mengetahui kisah yang selanjutnya

(im suck in essay)


Penghidap Asal (Aya Ikeuchi)

Barisan Pelakon Yang Menjayakan Drama Ini

Diari Aya:
     1) My life is like a flower that hasn't bloomed yet. From the start of this youth, I want to treasure it and have no regrets.
     2) Mom, in my my heart, I know I can always trust you. From this point forward, I leave it to you. Im sorry for always making you worry.
     3) I want to make a time machine and go back in time. If it wasn't for this disease, not only i could enjoy falling in love but I also wouldn't have to rely on anyone and live by myself.
     4) I really don't want to pay things such as "I want to go back to how things were before". I recognize how I am right now, and I will continue to live on. Therefore I definitely won't run away. That's what I'll do. Definitely always.
     5) Even if it's like that, I still want to stay here. Because this is the place where I am.
     6) If you look up at the sky after falling down, the blue sky is also today stretching limitlessly and smiles at me. I'm alive.
     7) People shouldn't dwell on the past. It's enough to try your best in all that you're doing now.
     8) Reality is too cruel, too brutal. I don't ever have the right to dream. As I think about the tears will come out again

Luahan Hati Aya:
 The Other Side Of Suffering
   Everyone feels pain. 
   But surely, after satisfaction will arive.
   Even with sports, studying or other ordeals.
   With life, it's like that for everyone.
   If we can beat the pain, on the other side, a rainbow of happiness awaits us.
   That will definitely become a treasure.
   Let's believe in that.

Step by Step
   When my existances seem to disappear,
   I will look for the place where I can do the best I can.
   From now on, I'll deliberate slowly.
   I won't be impatient.
   I won't be greedy.
   I won't give up.
   Because everyone take things step by step


download link:
     k - only human
     remioremen - konayuki